Wednesday 27 January 2010

Deal of the Week: Portal: Still Alive. Jan. 25th

Well this weeks deal on Xbox Live is the honestly incredible Portal:Still Alive.

This, another genius release from those guys over at Valve, is a game that will test your mental capabilities and maybe your tolerance levels at times as you get on to the harder levels. It involves you progressing through stage by stage in a facility with a portal creating/gravity gun thingy that can fire portals allowing you to travel through the levels, aswell as being able to pick stuff up etc. with the gravity side of it. The puzzles get harder as you go on, but they also become more satisfying when completed. It is something that i have never come across before in gaming and is something truly worth trying as you may never see something like this again.The game also mentions something about a cake?? Well you'll have to look into that one yourselves. The game has been reduced on the marketplace to 800Msp from 1200 so it is a sort of bargain.

I have never played the arcade release, as i got the original with the release of the Orange Box collection but i'm assuming the two are pretty similar. This deal definitely gets the thumbs up from me and so if you've never played it... you should.

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